Please find us at our new home...
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Friday, October 25, 2013
Monday, October 21, 2013
We're having a giveaway,
but you gotta click
to enter!
See ya over at
xo, Amber
Monday, October 14, 2013
We Re-Invented Ourselves!
The Black Rooster Cottage Blog
will soon be deleted so please
follow us to our new

Can't wait to see you!
xo, Amber
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Will You Come?
As in life, things change.
They evolve, grow, flourish
and sometimes take another route
to the destination.
I LOVE Black Rooster Cottage,
but I'm ready to spread my wings
and fly.
My new blog will curate our
new life in our town
and our adventure of making our
new house a home.
Our little Cottage blog
is growing up.
I'd like to introduce you to...
(you can click the photo to directly link)
I hope to see you soon!
xo, Amber
Monday, September 9, 2013
Laundry Room update
Seriously, it's gonna be the first
room that is done.
I'm cool with that!
Bruce ran into town for supplies
yesterday morning and came home with some
finish ply.
We had discussed the kind of counters
to put in the laundry room for folding.
1.) a vintage dresser
2.) big box laminate in either black or white
3.) DIY smooth paint-able finish,
trimmed out.
Number 1.) wouldn't work unless we stacked the
washer/dryer (which we intended to do originally
but I changed my mind because I like to ponder things then "decide")
and it was a bit deep and wouldn't fit directly under the
window (I'm a freak for aesthetics) because if it did,
the door would knock right into it.
Number 2.) wouldn't work because the counter depth would
not completely cover the tops of the units
and I wouldn't be able to handle that!
Number 3.) WINNER because we (he) could cut it to fit and
we could add the "us" element.
The awesome thing? There's even enough room
for sewing!
The cost for this was for the finish plywood only.
We (he) trimmed it out with pieces we saved from
casing of doors we replaced (waste not!)
and the leg was a reclaimed newel post we pulled from
the staircase.
But the most important element:
A man with some skill!
It's a catch-all at the moment because
the whole house is a construction zone
and I haven't caulked, primed or painted yet
but I can see the finished product!
This week, the crown will be done in the kitchen and laundry
room and we will have picked up the flooring for that room
as well. We're going with a black slate looking porcelain.
Can't wait.
THEN I need to purchase some new "vintage inspired"
handles for the big white cabinet (Hobby Lobby) and I am
pondering on wallpapering the face
of the old refrigerator with a Toile wallpaper
I have. I'm still thinking about the process.
I'm not telling the Mister though.
He spent a few hours peeling off the (ugly)
stickers before we moved.
This fridge had spent many years
in the garage as the beer holder.
I think this might end up being my favorite room
in the house. Well, till some of the other rooms are done.
Happy week you ALL. ;)
xo, Amber
p.s. follow ups to follow as they are done!
Monday, September 2, 2013
Update on The Cottage
We have been going at this place we call home,
non stop.
Well, except for yesterday.
We went to the beach.
Panama City, Florida, to be exact!
It was really nice to take a break from the house
and go exploring.
We had such a great time and can't wait
to explore somewhere else along the coast.
They don't lie when they say the sand is sugar white and
the water is warm. Us "Westies" are
not accustomed to that because the
Pacific Ocean way out West is mighty COLD!
The kids had a blast.
We didn't plan on having a day "at" the beach
(we were going to hit a few places to decide where
our beach day would be in the future)
but two little fellas had different plans.
It was a fun, fun day.
Can't wait to have another
"day off"!
Below are some photos of The Cottage and our progress.
These were taken a few days ago and I have since
finished painting the kitchen ceiling and getting the first coat on
the walls. It's really starting to come together
and I am excited!
Each room will have it's own
blog post with before and after photos.
Getting closer to that makes me happy!
My pink ceiling!
My Laundry Room
The Kitchen
Our living room
Our front yard and garden area that
is getting a complete makeover.
Keeping the fence though,
at least for now.
I cleared out the inside of the picket fence today.
There's beautiful Lantana growing on the other side
so I'm deciding whether to make a border garden or sod to the fence line. Hmm...
Our backyard (we did this on Labor Day).
Wait, isn't it supposed to be a day free from labor?
And where we haul all the trimmings for pickup.
So much stuff, you can't see the fence!
The city guys come by a couple of times
a week to pick up trimmings {for FREE}!
I like to keep them coming back. Last time I gave them
warm brownies. This time it will be cupcakes.
I ain't no fool!
Yep, that's about it for now.
On our way home from the beach,
we pulled over so we can catch a few pics of
these cuties. Don't you just want to kiss that face?
If that calf was mine, I would!
See you all soon.
{I have to keep you and all separated still.
I'm not at the ya'll stage yet. I did have to let
go of my "you guys" because I got the business
for saying that!!}
xo, Amber
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
"Where have you been?"
![]() |
County Road 185 |
I know, I know.
We ARE making progress!
Just not enough for anyone to notice.
I am not kidding when I say
that every square inch of this house will have
had our hands on it by the time it gets done.
If you are ever going to remodel your home
and have to pay a Contractor, take this advice...
Seriously, if it cost a bit more than you have saved
in your pocketbook, WAIT and save for the expertise of
a qualified person to do the work.
Why do I say that?
Because later on, you will end up paying that better
Contractor (my husband) to FIX what the cheap guy did.
... AND because we are having to re-do every. single. thing.
in this house.
Thank goodness I married a perfectionist.
He kinda makes me crazy sometimes
but in the end, I have to always agree
that he was right.
Yeah, he loves that.
Although I would like for it all to be done
fast and NOW, I will grow
some patience.
If the Romans did it, so can I.
Okay, that's my little bit of advice.
I have a goal of having some major improvement
photos ready by the weeks end.
So, off I go, to make that happen!
![]() |
View from the 110 |
![]() |
Pastoral view from the 110 |
See ya in a few!
xo, Amber
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Shouting Out!
Here we are in August
and that means the newest
publication of
Stampington and Company
~Somerset Home~
is on the rack!
I knew it was coming but didn't want
to divulge until it was out.
Guess who's in it?
I haven't gotten my copy yet
so I had a BFF scan hers and send it to me.
After this (and looking through my photos),
I'm starting to get the hankering of
getting back to work
(I hesitate because we are not done with the house yet).
I think it's best to just play it by ear right now
and let it be.
What is meant to be, will present itself
when it's time.
Until then,
I'm just gonna enjoy
my little bit of shine with a
big 'ol grin.
See ya soon!
xo, Amber
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Our Whirlwind
We are still plugging away at finishing the left side of the house.
It's easy to get discouraged because it isn't done
but then I have to remember that LIFE lives here and there
are kids and schedules and school starting on Monday
and other little things that need tending to.
When I take a step back, I do realize that with the hands that
are working, we have accomplished A LOT.
I am not going to continue the progress of the current
project until we are done. It's pretty darn close
and I cannot wait to clear the dust, mop the floors
and walk barefoot in our house!
Then (and only then) will the remainder of the boxes be opened
so I can begin filling the house with the lovely things
we have been collecting.
Aside from the kitchen/dining/laundry rooms,
I've been planning the attack
on our bedroom.
It is on the East side of the house but with only two light
sources (North and South facing), it is DARK.
Well, except for the lovely fluorescent lighting facing up on a dust
catching ledge.
It's all gonna be re-done. This ceiling is so uneven. We will keep
the vault but "add more screws" to make it actually snug up
to the framing. So nuts.
That little niche up there... BYE, BYE!
What I really want is windows! Mama wants windows!
Easy-Peasy, it's only 6 inch wood walls that we (husband) has
to cut through.
It's down the road so I have time to work on him.
Then I need to decide on whether to paint
the whitewashed wood or keep as is.
One bugging dilemma....
There's a few places where we have this issue.
Some places on the wall where something was
mounted and painted around kinda makes me crazy.
What are your thoughts?
See ya soon!
xo, Amber
Saturday, July 27, 2013
All Work and No Play...
Well, we have been working on the house non-stop because
once Mr. BRC starts working outside the house,
it's gonna go slow(er).
But, we have taken some time (meaning hours) off
here and there to get out and explore and to
get together with our new peers.
This week we went into Montgomery looking
for cabinets.
We revisited Rescued Relics in
hopes of finding some Vintage
pieces that we could incorporate
into our new home.
We didn't find cabinets but we did find
I think with our Eclectic style,
any of these awesome pieces would fit like
a charm in our little humble home.
After RR,
we hit the local Habitat Re-Store
and found some tile
that will work perfectly
for the kitchen entrance,
laundry room and walk in pantry
(all three rooms are connected).
It looks like a smooth slate, almost black,
but it's a porcelain. The texture
and easy care will be perfect for that area.
Can't wait to pick some up and get going on that!
(photo to come!)
Here's where we are on the kitchen:
New drop ceiling is in
and I have become the resident drywaller.
Who knew making these ...
would give me skills to do this...
I got to tape and mud the seams and screw holes. Texture is next! |
We're further along now but I'll show those pictures later.
Bruce installed some new lights, a chandelier and lots
of hidden outlets for a well working kitchen.
The little nook will house a cute cafe table and two chairs
(once I find the right set).
Can't wait to have my morning
coffee there and watch nature!
After we finish "finishing" the
original carpenter's work,
(umm, like re-taping ALL the seams and adding screws to
the ceiling and remainder walls throughout the house),
where are the drywall screws?! |
we'll be texturing.
That will be the icing on the cake!
(get it?)
Then I get to paint!!!
Actually, I just can't wait till
our floor doesn't look like this anymore:
Soon enough... soon enough.
See ya soon!
xo, Amber
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